0base.vc won overall 6th place in the entire Mina testnet competitions

Best Profit staking pool for newcomers

<aside> 💡 Beginner's luck strategy has applied to 0base.vc pool, which provides a full supercharged reward(x2) to unlocked accounts(newcomers) without share.


Delegation Address B62qik2auL1VbkX6fijdzwT6fGgjpi8caKUH6vbov573DbdT2UbQkDp

English, 한국어

Telegram announcements : https://t.me/zerobasevc

Pool Information

Payout Calculation

Block Rewards = Coinbase Rewards + Transaction Fees - Snark work Fees + (*Supercharged Rewards)

User Rewards = (Block Rewards * Shares + (Supercharged Rewards)) * (1 - Pool Fees)

Example 1)

Example 2) Supercharged Rewards

Supercharged Rewards

According to documentation, The coinbase reward for producing a block is 720 tokens. However, some accounts will receive 2x supercharged rewards if they contain only unlocked tokens. In the case of stake delegations, whether or not the reward is supercharged is based off of the account that won the block, not the account that is doing the staking and block production.

Supercharged Rewards Target

Supercharged Rewards Target